
  • admiral-pics
  • San Marino Management Srl

    Admiral Point Center
    Via 3 Settembre 99, 47891 Dogana (San Marino)
    TaxID SM21051 – Tel. +378-941011

  • Your contact information

    Name and Surname (request)

    Email (request)

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    Country or city of origin

  • Purpose of your enquiry

    Reason for contacting (request)

    Purpose of the project

    Project description (request)

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Declarations and authorizations

I declare that all information provided is true and that I have never attempted to take part in whatsoever business intelligence activity.
I declare that I have no criminal record and I've never been suspected of money-laundering, handling of stolen goods or financial crimes.

I authorize the processing of my data and I accept the conditions for the provision of services and privacy policy. (request)
I authorize to receive commercial and information communications from this company and partner companies.

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