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10 good reasons to subscribe to .lab

The first fab & multimedia lab in San Marino

The .lab is our innovative space somewhere between a fab/multimedia lab and a co-working space available for companies or entrepreneurs who wish to open a business in San Marino.
By subscribing to the .lab the company and the new entrepreneur will have access to various services, deals and unique technological equipment that allow considerable savings during the start-up phase.

Here 10 good reasons to join our .lab

  1. A space always available, open Monday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  2. Computers, printers and technical equipment always available
  3. Two 3D printers, both plastic and resin, to realize your own samples
  4. A meeting room with video conference system, to meet customers and/or suppliers
  5. A shooting area to realize pictures and videos
  6. A recording room to voice your multimedia projects
  7. Access to online services through your own account where you can keep track of all work done in the .lab
  8. Our help and advice always on hand
  9. Interesting partners’ deals with several local companies to complete your services
  10. Possibility to publish a crowdfunding project in San Marino
Subscribe now to .lab!

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Startup.sm è il primo sito in italiano ed in inglese che fornisce assistenza e supporto per aprire e avviare società a San Marino: scopri gli incentivi, le regole e i motivi per fare impresa a San Marino.