launches the WordPress plugin tool for the SMaC Certifications

Designed by for the clients

We are glad and proud of the launch of a new application designed for the SMaC Certifications.

The plugin works in combination with WordPress and Woocommerce and with other automated billing & invoicing software applications that extract the information from the purchase transactions, in order to generate a CSV file and then to upload it on the SMaC Portal for the certification: an operation that can be performed daily, weekly or monthly, based on the payment method selected by the user.

The legislation currently in force assimilates the payments through PayPal or credit card as cash payments, therefore the certification should be issued within the day of the purchase transaction.
Please note that should the purchase be performed at night or on the weekend, the certification will ordinarily be issued the following day or on Monday.

How does the plugin work?

When a CSV file is being generated, you will be able to check the transactions performed, possibly excluding, through the drag and drop features, the orders submitted by companies (not to be certified), in order to have a file featuring the complete data.
Then, you have to upload the file on the SMaC Portal, under the section Transazioni POS Web telematico that will process the file. You can also download the summary of the registrations from the SMaC Portal through the set up features, on a daily, weekly, monthly, etc, basis.

One more reason to chose
Here it is!

Attenzione! Questo articolo è stato pubblicato più di un anno fa e potrebbero esserci stati degli aggiornamenti a riguardo. In caso di dubbi vi consigliamo di consultare articoli più recenti o di contattarci al Numero Verde. Grazie. è il primo sito in italiano ed in inglese che fornisce assistenza e supporto per aprire e avviare società a San Marino: scopri gli incentivi, le regole e i motivi per fare impresa a San Marino.